Tuesday, May 15, 2018

I follow in the footsteps of Richard E Rhoades

To prove what a Rightly Word Divider I am, I wrote this Biblical Biblical paper

Click on >> How to be Holy

You don't have to read the whole paper, just read this:
"While there was a sin which could not be forgiven, John adds that there are many more forms and degrees of sin for which they could pray. Everything which does not conform to the holiness of God is sin, but we are not to think that all sin is of the kind that cannot be forgiven. God is righteous, and anything which is not righteous is unrighteous, and therefore is sin. If someone were to break one of the Ten Commandments today would it still be sin? Except for the one concerning the Sabbath (Colossians 2:16). If someone were to break one of the laws of Moses? No, because they were given to Israel."

Then I preached this Biblical Biblical sermon:

Click on >> Ken "DOG SHIT" Brandt
{ ANNOUCEMENT ~ A situation has developed with my Blogs: If you Google "Ken Brandt" nothing comes up, whereas if you Google "Dale Koller" lots of hits come up. So; to give Biblical Biblical Kenny equal time ~ Click Here  and  Click Here  and  Click Here  and  Click Here.  The Biblical Biblical One will be soooooooo edified! }